Comedy Movie Reviews

TED – What A Naughty, Naughty Teddy Bear

Finally, TED has arrived in Singapore.  I have been anticipating this film for ages.  Courtesy of, Cynthia and I had a real good laugh watching TED in a preview screening session.  What’s there not to love about Ted the teddy bear who talks bad, takes drug, and gets drunk?  It’s hilarious.

Think on it, this film could have gone wrong in so many different ways.  Two grownups and a talking teddy bear living in our modern day society?  Miraculously, this film pulls through as something ‘believable’.  Thirty years ago, a boy made a wish for a teddy bear as a Christmas present.  That wish came true.  Later on, he made another wish that the bear would be able to talk.  Lo and behold, because magic could exist, we have a living and breathing teddy bear becoming the little boy’s new best friend.  The teddy bear has become headline news.  Alas, like all things in life, novelty wears off.  Thirty years later, no one cares for a talking teddy bear.  Life moves on.

The story then begins with the little boy John now grown up (Mark Wahlberg) and so is Ted.  John has fallen in love with Lori (Mila Kunis).  But will a man who still hangs out with his teddy bear be able to truly love another person?  Well, that is where the drama begins.

TED is a joy to watch, all credit to two ingredients.  First, the teddy bear on the big screen does look realistic and appears to interact with the actors well.  Remember Star Wars I when Jedi Liam Neeson couldn’t see eye-to-eye with Jar Jar Binks?  Ted the teddy bear seems very much alive in the movie.  Second, the script coming out from Ted’s mouth is hilarious.  At some parts of the film, the scriptwriter has established a pattern so well that the audience would laugh even before the line is out.

Fun stuff aside, TED is a heartwarming film.  There are some tearing moments.  Above all, the chemistry between Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis is convincing.

TED is about changes in life that upset the status quo.  It is a story of growing up and learning to live with someone new.  On a separate note, watching TED reminds me of a novel written by Clifford Chase called Winkie.  In that book, the story begins with Winkie the teddy bear arrested for terrorism because he happens to be at the wrong place in the wrong time.  That book too is hilarious, more so in a dark comedy’s way.  I think I may pick up Winkie when I have the bandwidth to do some reading.

Drama Movie Reviews

The Fighter – What An Intense And Surprising Performance!

What a surprise!  I am seeing the casting in a whole new light.  I would not have thought that Christian Bale can act.  Like really act.  I was weary if Bale was going to have that batman voice – artificially low and harsh barely above the audible range (for humans that is, not sure for bats).   I mean, I was not that impressed with that batman movie that many love.  Certainly, “The Fighter” has changed my view on Bale.  He has lost so much weight in order to act in this movie.  And his acting as a rather eccentric bigger brother, a prisoner, as well as a drug addict is convincing.  In real life, Bale is younger than Wahlberg who in this movie played as his much younger brother.  Now, how does that work?

While Bale has lost weight for the filming of “The Fighter”, I have no idea how much weight Mark Wahlberg has gained.  Wahlberg has turned into a hulk.  Cynthia told me that Wahlberg has spent half a million on training prior to this (she read it somewhere).  If I have that kind of money, I also would like to put on that kind of meat onto my body.  And becomes very yummy to all the ladies around me.  This is one of those movies that the supporting actor outshines the main actor (think “Dark Knight”).  Mainly due to the role opportunity, I suppose.

I always associate Amy Adams as the enchanted princess.  Her list of nominations and wins matches Bale’s.  In this movie, Adams does not look as unblemished as how I remember her to be.  She is still hot in her imperfect way.  But I guess that is what the role calls for.  A girl working in a bar who pairs up with a fighter (same as a boxer?) who has the ambition of getting the world title, with his eccentric elder brother as the trainer, his assertive mother as the manager, and his loving father as the … coordinator?  This movie is based on a true story.  It is one rather dysfunctional family full of drama and gets united on a fighter’s ring.  I love watching the Rocky series (and have this thing about men boxing each other for reasons beyond my comprehension).  And I love watching this one.  There is great chemistry between the actors and actresses.  A heartwarming emotional watch.  Needless to say, “The Fighter” could be an Oscar material.  But is it good enough to win some?  We have to wait and see.

This is the second movie the Movie Review Squad has watched this year.  Tong Kiat has picked the first one.  Cynthia has picked the second one.  The record is so far so good.  I am going to pick the next one and the two are very worried that I will pick the flop of the year (like a Thai movie).  We shall see.