Drama Movie Reviews

Your Name Is Justine – Painfully Hard To Watch, Painfully Depressing

I don’t know if that one intense and realistic rape scene of Monica Bellucci’s “Irreversible” is more painful to watch or the series of rape and violent scenes of “Your Name Justine” is instead. One thing for sure though, our Singapore’s Pleasure Factory is mild compare to that poor Poland girl who got sold into the sex industry in Germany.

The movie is inspired by the fact that 200,000 women are sold into brothels every day – 15,000 of them are Polish women. The fact itself is depressing. And the most depressing thing is the process of how the pimp breaks down a girl from someone innocent into a willing party to whore herself to men after being abducted from her hometown, her loved ones. That is what the majority of “Your Name Is Justine” is about. Some of the scenes are awfully hard to watch like suffocating a person with a plastic bag. That particular scene looks real to me and it seems that the actor and actress have practiced that scene for a long time. I sincerely hope that the main actress was not harmed in any way during the filming of the movie.

Is this movie worth watching? To me it is a definite yes because not everything in life is as rosy as the typical Hollywood stories. It is nothing pornographic nor erotic about this movie. It is a pure intense picture-house style of movie that tells a facet of life most of us are oblivious to. You will sympathize with the subject and even when the movie has ended and the plot has resolved itself, you will not feel as though anything has ended. Human trafficking still continues worldwide, even at this very moment you read this blog.

6 replies on “Your Name Is Justine – Painfully Hard To Watch, Painfully Depressing”

I saw parts of the film on tv . It was very very difficult to watch – the psychological aspect of breaking down the girl was the worst . Some how, some governments need to form regulations that are as barbaric as these bastards and their acts against these poor girls.
Men who trap , sell, rape and systematically break down these poor girls should be tried in a Fast Track court and summarily executed AFTER being tortured for the exact same period of time that they entrapped and forcibly raped these girls.
Their testicles and penis’ should be chopped off WITHOUT anesthetic and they should be whipped and flogged daily till they plead for death. Only when such a fate awaits the Pimps and brokers THEN will this stop .
Its just horrible that this is happening and we all should put our best efforts to stop the trafficking of women and children in the flesh trade

Nadir – Yes, from what I remember, it was very difficult to watch. But yet, the film reflects a fragment of the reality.

To be honest, I am unsure if there is a ‘solution’ for this human condition. We know this oldest profession cannot be rid of. One way is to criminalize all parties and that motivates even more underground activities. Another way is to legalize and regulate this industry but face the moral dilemma as a society.

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