Diary My Favorite

To the Attic

In my own home, I chanced upon one of my oldest diaries that has one of Robert Doisneau’s famous photos as the cover (see the picture). Reading what I have written 16 years ago, it was a surreal experience. I kept asking myself: was I there? Did it really happen? Who was that girl? The passion that I had was just overwhelming. Skipping through the pages, I had the desire to recover my 2nd diary (that comes with a lock by the way). I am lucky to have found the “lost” diary and of course, the key to the diary was long lost. But that didn’t stop me from reading what I have written 15 years ago.

Looking back, I think writing diary is a good habit and I think technology has somewhat “murdered” this good old fashion habit. Nothing beats pen and paper when it comes down to diary. I think I should start writing diary again. What I have written 16 years ago, I can still retrieve and read. What I have written in the website or in all these electronic documents, I doubt if I can retrieve them 16 years later. That applies to the photographs we take as well. Have them printed and not just in electronic forms.

Alright, two more items added to my shopping list: a diary and a photo printer.

2 replies on “To the Attic”

Hey Wilf! This is Andre from Jakarta. I never wrote a diary, but I did write something a few years ago about my life up until that day. I plan to keep it hidden from plain sight and hopefully be able to read it when I’m old and senile. I just think it would be a cool experience — sort of like the experience you had when you read your old diary entry. I disagree with your thoughts about technology, though. I think whatever we put down on electronic form from now on will be forever on record and available for all the world to see. I went to and looked at my old Usenet posts and I couldn’t believe I wrote some of them.

Hey there. Of course I recognise Dregar=Andre 🙂 Man, I think you should continue to write and it is sort of refreshing to read when you get a bit older. You’ll be amazed how much details are lost in the mist of all these daily routines. About technologies, I don’t know … I have written some short stories and some notes in electronic forms in the span of like 10 years and some were backed up in big floppy disks (which I don’t have that disk drive no more), some were in small floppy disks (which I don’t have that disk drive too), some were in zip disk format (again, my zip drive is no longer working) and so on …

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