This must be the first time I see my Chinese name (黃健暉) printed on a local newspaper. I think my parents in Hong Kong would be happy if they read that. The first time I saw my English name printed on newspaper was back in the Project Eyeball era. How I miss Project Eyeball. The good old days. Had it been published free of charge like My Paper and TODAY and let the advertisement funds the operation, I think it would survive. I still believe that the 80-cent Project Eyeball was ahead of its time.
After numerous long email exchange, MSN exchange, and short message exchange with the friendly My Paper journalist Koh Soo May (who has a lovely Chinese name that unfortunately I don’t know how to type it out here) over the weekend, I didn’t know what to expect when I walked into my favorite Coffee Bean at the Republic Plaza looking at the pile of My Paper at the counter. You know what it is like when you interact with a journalist. There is this element of uncertainty on what he or she is ultimately going to write, whether you will be in a positive or a not so positive light.
I tried to keep my cool but couldn’t contain my excitement. I flipped opened the bilingual paper. Front page (the Chinese side), I saw my site. Gosh! And on the third page as well. I am much impressed by the level of details on the coverage of the topic: Bloggers – Power to the Commercial World (something like that in English). Journalist Soo May has managed to interview the Companies, the PR firms, and the bloggers covering the areas of social media, product and service reviews and endorsement, and the trend within and outside Singapore. Bravo!
Good read it is, I was so excited and delighted that I told one of the staff in Coffee Bean quietly behind the counter that I was on My Paper. That was, by the way, after she asked me for a career advise if she should study Medical Science or Nursing (I love the staff of Coffee Bean at the Republic Plaza, very friendly people always with a smile). She too was so excited that she grabbed one of the papers. And then I realized that she cannot read Chinese, and I realized that quite a number of my good friends cannot either.
Oh well, for those who can read Chinese, click here to view the first page and here to view the subsequent one.
I guess most of us read the paper or any publication without really given much thoughts on what’s behind the scene. After briefly worked with Soo May observing how much time she put into the articles in the middle of the night and over the weekend while busy reaching out to the network, I think I now read the newspaper with a better appreciation. I always thought that my few hours spent per blog entry is hard work. I certainly wouldn’t wish to write for a newspaper agency for now.
And so, this blog entry is dedicated to all the hard working journalists who face all sorts of challenges to deliver us stories, stories that don’t usually have a long lifetime and before they are even published, these journalists need to work on the next topic, and the next.
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PS. There is this one person from TEXT100 I would like to thank for all the wonderful opportunities and you know who you are. Thank you!