Clarke Quay holds a special place to my heart, it has always been since I first visited Singapore more than a decade ago. The vibrancy, the color, the tourists, and when I was toying with a location for me to experiment my new flash unit Nikon SB-900, I thought of Clarke Quay.
To tell you that I know how to operate that flash unit would be a lie. Half an hour before we stepped out of our home, I was busy going through the manuals and tips-and-tricks the first time. I got the essential information – pretty much like most that I do in my life – and reckon that the best way to learn is to go out to the field and experiment.
This Nikon SB-900 is a large flash unit. Attached it to my already monstrous tool make me look like an alien walking on earth with a huge laser gun. When TK joined us, he was shocked by the size of my tool. Oh well, I was shocked too.
So we had a Spanish meal – my first – at The Tapas Tree. One of the staff whom we have not met before is a teacher from Las LiLas School, where Cynthia and I learn Spanish. Cynthia was shocked that I initiated a Spanish conversation with her. I was shocked that the lovely Spanish lady understood what I said. And she gave us a 10% discount. How nice.
We bumped into a couple who asked if I could take a picture for them. I offered to send them the photo via email but I guess they were too drunk to response. I think I got a bit better with the flash unit towards the end. Keep practicing I guess. If all (pictures) fail, at least we’ve had a lovely evening.